Remembering the Past: PlasterQuest Strongman

Before installing the fence at the Stronghold five years ago, Cho and I were aimlessly wondering around a big box home improvement place (I think it was the orange one) and we decided that setting the fence over the uneven, heaved up and ultimately useless, last 5 feet of the driveway wasn’t going to work out and/or look good.  It was time to rent a jackhammer.

It took roughly 3 hours for Chonster to hammer out about 6 or 7 cubic feet worth of double layer asphalt.  It would have only been about 3-4 but as is with everything in the ranch, the layer of asphalt we saw was done to cover something else up… it was exactly like the globbed layers of paint we showed you way back in the beginning… but it was globs of asphalt over concrete.  Lots of concrete.

It took an additional hour for us to ferry the the crumbled, metric-fuck-ton of rock by hand to the two WM Bagsters we had set up in the front yard.  I’ll review the Bagster sometime soon, and while it would have been nice to have a real dumpster (or a wheelbarrow for that matter), we got whole mess cleaned up and it was picked up by Waste Management within a few days.

In the end both of us were delirious.  Our arms were heavy and giving up was considered, but we struggled through it and managed to gain a good sized chunk of the yard back from the pointlessly over-extended driveway.  Now we only need to plant some grass!


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