Author: chonny

February 23, 2013 / / The Stronghold
February 23, 2013 / / basement project

Oh yeah, so we pretty much wrapped up the bathroom. Whats left to do is to finish up the trim, hang the mirror, and potentially paint the ceiling. We have this crazy silver metallic paint we’ve been thinking about using. Having this room available throughout the winter holiday season has…

Read the PostThe Murder Room Basement Bathroom Part.6

January 18, 2013 / / basement project

PROGRESSSS Laying the floor tile down was huge. We liked the faux wood pattern tiles and took care to stagger the placement. With such a small room, there were a lot of cuts to make. Cutting tile with a wet saw in the dark in the cold of mid December…

Read the PostThe Murder Room Basement Bathroom Part.5

January 12, 2013 / / basement project

Wall tile. Tiling a wall flat out sucks. The problem is that you can only measure, cut, and lay out about two rows at a time. Then, the next row always needs the previous one to rest on. It wasn’t easy, and took about two days just to do the…

Read the PostThe Murder Room Basement Bathroom Part.4

January 7, 2013 / / basement project

Now that the holidays are mostly out of the way, we can put up some expedited progress shots- we’ve been busy! After the plumbing and floor situations were straightened out, we put some walls up and fitted the shower base. At this point its starting to look like a room…

Read the PostThe Murder Room Basement Bathroom Part.3