Category: electricity project

November 8, 2010 / / electricity project
November 4, 2010 / / electricity project

Following on the heels of running power lines across the house, is the ongoing task of updating and adding light sources. Barely any of it was reusable, so we found ourselves buying a whole bunch more. We put in some recessed lighting in the kitchen and living room. I’ll admit,…

Read the Postlights!

November 1, 2010 / / electricity project

This last weekend was a big step forward in the “making our home more modern and safe” department. Most of the old covered wire is in the trash and we’ve learned some pretty interesting things along the way. Fast Fact #1:  No matter what electric project you’re tackling you’ll probably…

Read the PostIt’s Electric! BoogeyWoogeyWoogey

October 29, 2010 / / electricity project

the day of injuries. for whatever reason, the first day we decided to run the electrical wires, we all cut ourselves pretty badly. unintentionally. we got pictures of some of them. Jessica even cut herself so badly she almost passed out. apparently shes never been good with blood.