Kitchen of Tears: part 3 – Manifest Destiny

Upon realizing that our kitchen only seemed large enough due to the miniature sized appliances in it, we decided to do something pretty irreversible. We knocked down the wall in between that and the dining room, opening up the space pretty considerably. Now, one cannot just take a main support wall down without consequences. To replace it, we needed to install a header that spanned the distance the wall once did. You can imagine our panic when we removed the final stud and house groaned and slouched noticeably. We had what seemed like seconds to replace it with a preconstructed sandwich of 4x8s, nails, and glue.

All in all it turned out okay though, and was one of the few projects we managed to get done in half a day. Granted, we spent a lot of time prepping the wall (see: destroying it). In the end I think it turned out pretty nice, and the extra space in the room went A LOT further than either of us could have imagined.

Now enjoy some images.

this is the wall, untouched.

and before we decided to obliterate it:

sans drywall:

The majestic header beam.

Me and the Harv admiring the work.

*SPOILER* this next one involves a preview of the following project (the floor), but it is the best image we have so far of the space this job has created. I, for one, am impressed.

And, since I’m on the topic, removing each of those damned floorboards was a huge pain in the ass. Just so you know.

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