the basement: the surprise section of the house

So, back when we bought the house, the basement was partially finished, but in a really shitty way. The previous occupants cut all sorts of corners, to the point where the square footage of the basement wasn’t even counted towards the overall living size of the house in the sales posting (or taxing purposes, now that I think of it). This worked out for us, because it was a selling point to see the basement not thoroughly untouched, yet completely off the radar. Since we bought the house, however, we’ve had nothing but projects and utilitarian purposes for the sub-level. Storage, workroom, the place where my exercise equipment gathered dust, etc. It essentially was used for nothing but storage and the place we kept our spiders.

Since we’ve improved that rear entrance, we’ve been slowly cleaning it up. Over the christmannukah break, I had a few days to just go nuts down there. I moved everything around, making distinct rooms – my second office, workout room, second living room, and “backroom”washroom. We even bought a rad pull-out sofa and got some paint. To make it feel like part of the house-proper, we removed the door to the basement itself.

I’ve been all about the basement ever since. It’s like it came from nowhere, a bonus part of the house that doubles it nearly in size. We plan on putting a second bathroom down there at some point in the (hopefully) near future. I’ve been using the second desk space as a painting studio, and decorating up the man-cave with all sorts of wonderfully horrible things.

With any luck, we’ll finalize the bathroom plans and get to the polish phase of this before the temperature warms up to “deck project” phase.

Here is the entrance from the kitchen, sans door-

This is the view into the studio-area




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